Advertising & Promotion Opportunities

Scoreboard / Message Center Advertising to top

An Electronic Scoreboard and Message Center will be the primary means of displaying scores and keeping our audience informed during the weekend festivities at Como Park. The Scoreboard will be placed in the most central location possible and be visible to the thousands of spectators while the Finals, the public activities, and special events all take place. This same portable scoreboard is utilized by the PGA Tour.
Benefits include:
       Sponsor name will be displayed on the electronic board
       Sponsor name will be displayed on the Scorekeeper's Canopy
       Advertising messages will rotate throughout the day
       Sponsor will receive appropriate recognition in the Tournament Program

The cost for Major Scoreboard Sponsorship is $5,000

The cost for Minor Scoreboard Sponsorship is $2,500

30 second text message, 10 rotations per day, for 2 days - $500

30 second text message with logo, 10 rotations per day, for 2 days - $750

Banner Advertising to top

Sponsor exposure at each of the disc golf courses where the week-long event will take place.
Benefits include:
       Sponsor name will be on banners measuring three feet by six feet
       Banners (2) will be dispayed at tournament courses during the week
       Sponsor name will be listed in the Tournament Program

The cost for Banner Sponsorship (2) at a Tournament Course is $500

The cost for Banner Sponsorship (2) at Como Park is $1,000

Merchandise Sponsor to top

You supply 500 pieces of merchandise for players packages. This is a wonderful opportunity for companies introducing new products, and for food and beverage sponsors.
Benefits include:
       Merchandise will be sent home with, or used by all players
       One-half page ad in the Tournament Program
       Available: Banners, canopies, sampling at Como Park, off-site distribution, scoreboard advertising

The cost/value for Samples Sponsorship will be negotiated

Disc Golf 'Fly Mart I' Trade Show Vendor - at Thunderbird Hotel to top

One table and chair at the Fly Mart will be provided. The mart will take place Monday, August 6, 6pm-11pm. An elevated stage area with lighting and a sound system will be available for 'infommercial' time. During which, vendors will be able to address the crowd and demonstrate product.
Benefits include:
       Expanded hours
       Large, well lit convention space
       Individual company or product sales time available

The cost for Fly Mart sales space is $75

The cost for 10 minutes of exclusive presentation time is $50

Disc Golf 'Fly Mart II' Trade Show Vendor - at Como Park to top

Disc golf related businesses will be able to sell at Como Park on both, Saturday, August 11, 10am-5pm, and Sunday, August 11, 10am-5pm.
Benefits include:
       One canopy, one table and chair will be provided.
       Expanded hours
       Two days outdoors with high exposure
       Huge crowds

The cost for disc golf related vending at Como Park is only $200 !    per 10' x 10' area

Tee Sign Sponsor to top
Benefits include:
       Sponsor name will be on the full-color Tee Sign
       Sponsor keeps Tee Sign after the event

The cost for individual Tee Sign Sponsorship is $175 per

All logos, text and camera ready art must be supplied by June 1, 2001

Program Advertisements to top

Tournament Programs will be distributed to players, spectators, sponsors and media. A printing of 10,000 is planned.
Sizes and Costs for Program Ads:
       One-half page, black and white - $200
       Full page, black and white - $375
       Half page four color - $450
       Full page, four color - $875
       Center spread, 2 full pages, four color - $2,500
       Inside cover, full page, four color - $1,500
       Back Cover, full page, four color - $4,000

All logos, text and camera ready art must be supplied by June 1, 2001

Coupon Advertising to top

Coupon advertising promoting your business or a special offer is possible via distribution in all player, volunteer, and sponsor packages.
Benefits include:
       Coupons will be sent home with, or used by all players
       Coupons will be sent home with, or used by all volunteers and sponsors

The cost for Coupon Advertising is $250

All logos, text and camera ready art must be supplied by June 1, 2001

For more information please contact Rich Hart at 612-817-9657 or via email at: