Disc Golf and PDGA Demographics
These indicators which highlight the growth of the sport of disc golf are taken
from the PDGA database and the 1998 PDGA membership survey.
Disc Golf Players:
Current PDGA Members:
Persons who have played disc golf: 5-10 million 1997 4,247
Regular players: 500,000 1998 5,017
PDGA members (since 1977): 17,200 1999 5,653
Rate of Membership growth 1997-2000: 14% p.a. 2000 ~6,200
Disc Golf Courses worldwide:
Courses by Country:
1975 1 1995 560 USA 923
1980 60 1997 720 Europe 99
1985 140 1998 850 Japan 34
1990 350 1999 1,020 Canada 32
Rate of Course growth 1997-2000: 15% p.a. Australia NZ 20
Total 1,109
PDGA Tour:
PDGA World Championships:
Year Events Entrants Pro Purse Year Pros Amateurs Pro Purse
1996 235 18 900 $369 000 1996 308 174 $38 100
1997 267 22 500 $458 000 1997 342 265 $43 100
1998 275 24 300 $556 000 1998 362 279 $45 000
1999 335 ~28 000 ~$675 000 1999 371 325 $50 000
2000 350+ ~28 000 ~$820, 000+ 2000 410 415 $92,640
Rate of Tour growth 1996-2000: 16% p.a. Rate of World's growth 1996-2000: 18% p.a.
1998 PDGA Member Survey - Selected Results:
Age: Household Income (US$): Education:
Under 12 1% 0-10000 2% Grade school 1%
13-20 2% 10-20 000 7% High school 20%
21-30 20% 20-30 000 17% Some college 24%
31-40 52% 30-40 000 15% College graduate 42%
41-50 22% 40-50 000 15% Masters 9%
Over 50 3% 50-100 000 36% Advanced degree 4%
$100 000 8%
Gender: Division: Own a Computer:
Male 93% Pros 40% Yes 67%
Female 7% Amateurs 60% No 33%